Posts By: Amsel von Spreckelsen

Amsel von Spreckelsen

About Amsel von Spreckelsen

Amsel von Spreckelsen lives near the sea. He blogs about representations of mental illness in gaming at

Following on from my pre­vi­ous post for the Ontological Geek the first ques­tion that needs to be answered is ‘why Dungeons & Dragons?’ I made a point in that arti­cle of argu­ing against excep­tion­al­ism, which should be taken to be a stance against both intra and extra-classification excep­tion­al­ism. That is to say hold­ing sin­gle enti­ties as the unas­sail­able pin­na­cle of their kind is as bad as hold­ing a class of objects apart from other class­es. To argue that video games are not sep­a­ra­ble from other games by virtue of their unique­ness but then to argue that with­in the genre of table­top one game is capa­ble […]

Why Dungeons & Dragons?