The Ontological Geek: 20102017

Our last arti­cle was pub­lished in September of 2017. Projects like this one (hob­by­ist, not-for-profit, probably-too-ambitious, near-and-dear-to-someone’s-heart) often just trail off, leav­ing every­one in a state of limbo and uncer­tain­ty. Nobody wants to admit that the project is over, so the project just sort of lingers, qui­et­ly ignored, mak­ing every­one feel guilty. But I don’t want to do that here. So, a state­ment: as I assume you have already fig­ured out, The Ontological Geek is no longer pub­lish­ing new arti­cles, and has tran­si­tioned to archive mode.

The Ontological Geek was a pop cul­ture crit­i­cism site that ran from 20102017. Though it focused on videogames, it pub­lished crit­i­cism about movies, books, table­top games, TV shows, and at least one musi­cal. Over its seven-year lifes­pan, OntoGeek pub­lished many peo­ple who have since gone on to seri­ous and respect­ed careers in videogames or other media, but some of our best stuff was writ­ten by peo­ple who, near as I can tell, have writ­ten noth­ing else on the Internet before or since. Though our audi­ence was never vast, I like to think that we occu­pied a respected-if-niche place in the games-crit blo­gos­phere. We pub­lished some arti­cles that were read by tens of thou­sands of peo­ple, and some arti­cles that were read by fif­teen peo­ple, and though I was never sure which was going to be which, I’m proud of all of them.

It’s my inten­tion to keep the site up indef­i­nite­ly in archive mode, so that you can still find any arti­cle you might be look­ing for. If you notice that some­thing is bro­ken, please do go ahead and mes­sage the @ontologicalgeek Twitter account, and I’ll try to get it sort­ed out straight­away. (On that note, many thanks to Jesse Porch for straight­en­ing out all the weird WordPress borked­ness the site devel­oped over the last two years of neglect.)

I’d like to par­tic­u­lar­ly thank Odile Strik and Chelsea Shepard for their hard work as Editors-in-Chief after I quit the posi­tion in 2014, and you can go to the Staff page to see a (hope­ful­ly?) com­plete list of every­one who con­tributed an arti­cle to the site. Many thanks to all of you: you made the site what it was, and I always get a lit­tle thrill when I see a byline from some OntoGeek con­trib­u­tor out there in the wild. Keep up the good work!

As for you, dear read­er, I encour­age you to take a look around the OntoGeek archive. The Ontological Geek stood for the propo­si­tion that it is worth­while to think about the games we play and the TV shows we watch. I think that’s as true now as it was in 2010 when I pub­lished that first post to a dusty Blogspot site, and named it with a St. Anselm joke that does­n’t real­ly make any sense. Hopefully, you’ll like what you see here, and decide to sup­port some other small pub­li­ca­tion with the same mis­sion!

In the mean­time, enjoy your stay here. There’s a lot of good stuff around!

–Bill Coberly

Editor-in-Chief (20102014); Editor Emeritus (20142017); Groundskeeper (2017-?)

Bill Coberly

About Bill Coberly

Bill Coberly is the founder and groundskeeper of The Ontological Geek, now that it has shifted over to archive mode. If something on the site isn't working, please shoot a DM to @ontologicalgeek on Twitter!