Symbolism of light and dark is a powerful tool in videogames, so it's time to leave the trope of 'light is right' behind. Symbolism In Videogames: Finding The Balance Between Dark And Light28 Mar, 2017 in Features by Ashe Samuels
Ashe reflects on what made Dontnod's sci-fi thriller such a clumsy, tangled, beautiful soup of a game. Remember Me: A Retrospective Review25 Oct, 2016 in Features / Opinion / Reviews by Ashe Samuels
1 Given that your choice of Pokémon starter is akin to a Zodiac reading, it stands to reason bestiaries say a lot about our own inner workings. Lore And Worldbuilding: The Art Of The Bestiary27 Jul, 2016 in Features by Ashe Samuels
While maintaining a healthy balance is tricky, Ashe Samuels finds that MMOs can be a helpful tool in managing anxiety disorders. MMOs And Anxiety: How The Best Game Design Helps Me At My Very Worst27 Mar, 2016 in Features by Ashe Samuels