
Hello all.

Something a lit­tle dif­fer­ent from me today. Normal over­think­ing on the sub­ject of videogames will resume momen­tar­i­ly, I promise. For the moment, allow me to indulge in some­thing more, dare I say it, impor­tant. This is an appeal for your help.

I am tak­ing part in Movember, a move­ment that sees men around the world sport­ing fab­u­lous mous­tach­es through­out November in sup­port of men’s health char­i­ties. From hum­ble begin­nings Movember has become some­thing of an inter­na­tion­al phe­nom­e­non, but it’s not enough. It’s pret­ty well known that men have a short­er life expectan­cy than women, but what is not wide­ly recog­nised is that there is no bio­log­i­cal rea­son for this. The are a num­ber of social fac­tors that con­tribute, and one of the main objec­tives of Movember is to com­bat these fac­tors by rais­ing gen­er­al aware­ness, encour­ag­ing a change in men’s atti­tude to their own health and pro­mot­ing char­i­ties which do bat­tle with the joint scourges of tes­tic­u­lar and prostate can­cer.

Movember seeks to put a fun spin on a very seri­ous issue. Fun as it is, it’s impor­tant that we don’t lose sight of the direct effect every penny raised has on the future improve­ment of men’s health. While I always have a good time devel­op­ing a silly bit of facial hair every year, it’s essen­tial that I con­vert that into the most effec­tive dona­tion drive that I pos­si­bly can. That’s where you come in. Chances are that if you’re read­ing this you’ve vis­it­ed Ontological Geek and enjoyed what you found here. If any­thing I have ever put into words here has touched, inter­est­ed, infu­ri­at­ed or per­haps even infat­u­at­ed you in the past, I beg of you to con­sid­er donat­ing to this most wor­thy of caus­es.

Every par­tic­i­pant of Movember gets their own Mospace which can be updat­ed through the month and used to col­lect dona­tions. If you can spare any amount, big or small, to my own Mospace I’d be so grate­ful. Head on over to www​.mobro​.co/​j​i​m​bim if you feel that this is some­thing you’d like to par­tic­i­pate in. Hell, even if you can’t man­age to donate right now, keep an eye on that address for updates on my own top lip tick­ler!

Thank you so much,


Jim Ralph

About Jim Ralph

Jim Ralph currently resides in sunny Winchester, England. He'd love to hear from you, personally, with any thoughts on his writing or lucrative job offers.