The OntoCast — Cosmo D Interview

In our latest OntoCast, Oscar interviews Cosmo D, game designer, composer, and cellist in Archie Pelago. We talk about his background, last year’s game Off-Peak and the upcoming The Norwood Suite, as well as a selection of his favourite videogame music.



This podcast is part of a new series focusing on videogame music. Patreon backers at the “subscriber” level and above will get a sneak preview of each episode in advance.


Odile Strik

About Odile Strik

Odile A. O. Strik is editor-in-chief of The Ontological Geek. She is also a linguist from the Netherlands. She occasionally writes in other places, such as her own blog Sub Specie. You can read her innermost secrets on Twitter @oaostrik.