Daily Archives: February 7, 2011

When Valve announced that they had been col­lab­o­rat­ing with the Musée du Louvre to pro­duce a new title uti­liz­ing their ven­er­a­ble Source engine to pro­duce the world’s first first-person vir­tu­al muse­um, the gam­ing world was stunned that such a prod­uct would be devel­oped with­out any announce­ment until right before its release. Much con­fu­sion was gen­er­at­ed as peo­ple guessed wild­ly at how an engine pri­mar­i­ly used to devel­op FPS titles could be used to pro­duce what sound­ed like a glo­ri­fied visu­al ency­clo­pe­dia. The dis­cus­sion grew even loud­er when Valve announced that it would be a mul­ti­play­er title, even though no details about game­play had been […]

Art as Games: Valve’s Louvre